The Danish
Patient Safety Authority

“During the Covid-19 crisis, D4InfoNet has really benefited. We have quickly been able to establish a special section on the site for the Authority’s handling of Covid-19, and everyone has been able to find our guidelines documents easily. It has been easy, clear, and has been a great support in managing our processes” says the Authority’s quality manager Henrik Kousholt.

We wanted a user-friendly
system - and have it

When the Danish Patient Safety Authority makes decisions as an authority, it can be of great importance for healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations in the Danish healthcare system. “That is why it is crucial for us to have control of the internal processes and to ensure quality and uniformity in case processing across of the organization, ”says the Agency’s quality manager Henrik Kousholt.

“D4InfoNet is the practical tool in our quality management. The system contains policies, guidelines, instructions and flows for how we work. We spend a lot of time designing workflows for different procedures. Now, we have around 200 flows, each of which tells how a specific case procedure is to be carried out and what processes it involves. At the same time, we can link to underlying guidelines and instructions, websites, videos, legislation, etc.”

Why we have removed the print button

” We are not ISO-certified in quality management and do not have current plans for it, but we follow the principles in the standards, and D4InfoNet helps us with that.

The next thing we need to do, is carry out internal audits, so that we, based on specific cases, can see if we follow the described workflows and have control over the quality at all stages of the process. This is with a view to learning, feedback and quality development based on the Authority’s ambition and quality policy.With us, there is no doubt about the status of a document. People know that what is in D4InfoNet is always the latest management-approved version. They can also see who approved the document, when it was last edited, and what changes have been made to the document compared to previous versions. For the same reason, we have been a little brave and have removed the print button from the system. We would rather not have people print because we run the risk of outdated guidelines on a desk.”

Ease of use at the top of the list

” We make a point of making the system usable and accessible. When we went out to tender, ‘user-friendliness’ was at the top of the list of requirements, and we have met this with D4InfoNet. It is easy for employees to use, and as an editor and administrator you only need to have normal IT skills.

We have adapted the graphic and visual expression in D4InfoNet based on our design guide, so it is recognizable and easy to navigate. We also want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to find what he or she needs. The very structurally oriented can find the desired documents by using the handbook structure with chapters and subchapters, while the more visually oriented can click through boxes and flows to find guidelines and instructions. The search function is also good for quickly finding the right document.

Inside our flows, we have also made it clear which parts of the process pertain to a particular professional group. In this way, for example, the lawyers, the secretary, and the healthcare professional can easily find themselves in the flow and see the tasks and steps that belongs to them.

In addition, there are quick guides for both managers, editors and normal users, and some of them we have translated into small help videos, which at approx. 1 minute shows how to, for example, search, find your way around a flow, or what to do when you get

Always access, in case of emergencies

” We have chosen to host the system at D4, so that there is access to D4InfoNet and our guidelines, instructions and flows no matter where you are. This is practical when our emergency guard, for example, moves out to a crisis situation and needs quick access to a procedure or guidance on D4InfoNet. And if there is no internet access, they can use D4App which provides access when offline.”

The Danish Patient Safety Authority supervises authorized healthcare professionals and organizations in the Danish healthcare system. The board issues i.a. authorizations and advises on, for example, infectious diseases, and collects and disseminates knowledge about patient safety, among other things, from the patient safety database (DPSD). The agency reports to the Ministry of Health and the Elderly and has approx. 330 employees in Copenhagen, Randers and Kolding as well as in the Faroe Islands.

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