Naturmælk and Øllingegaard
organic dairies

The system that Naturmælk and Øllingegaard organic dairies created using folders on the shared drive had worked well for a long time. But IFS certification made a digital management system a requirement, and D4InfoNet now provides an active and functional framework for quality work in the company, where all the employees use the system. Here’s what Quality Manager Maiken Stubkjær Schubert has to say:

"We have increased transparency and simplified quality management"

“We did not have a digital system for quality management before – one of the reasons being that we have not had a tradition of putting every detail down in writing. Operating reports and schedules were placed in folders on a shared drive, and not all of the operators in the dairies were familiar with the quality system.”

“It actually worked very well. But times are changing, and when we decided to get our IFS certification we went looking for a digital solution – initially for document management, but we did not want another folder system. We wanted an active and functional solution that could make quality work relevant throughout the company. That’s why we chose D4InfoNet.”

3 advantages of D4InfoNet

1. Ready to use from day one

The system’s standard functions and settings mean that you don’t have to spend a lot of time getting started. It is ready for use from day one, and after that, functions can be selected or disabled as required.

2. Functional and easy to adapt

We can design the setup ourselves, use D4Flow to set up processes, perform searches and adapt the display to different user groups and needs. The system is user friendly and functional.

3. Comprehensive hotline

D4InfoNet’s hotline is amazing! You can call and ask the same question three times, and they are just as patient every time. I think I’m on a first-name basis with most of them by now. It’s really worth the money.

A better understanding of what we do

“Much of what we wrote out and added to the new system had also been done in the past, but now everyone is able to access the documents. Version management ensures that we’re always working with the latest version, and we can set up notifications so everyone is automatically notified when documents expire. We can also specify who is responsible for which documents, and this means that more people are involved in the quality work. In general, there is a better understanding of what we do.”

We can more easily prove that we have everything in check

“The system is still relatively new. We are on a journey and we have to take things in stages, but a lot of things have already become much easier – documentation work in particular has been simplified. We can more easily prove that we have everything in check and that people have been trained as they should be. We use the forms in D4GenericForms to register deviations and we have just started using the audit module. We expect to add even more features going forward.”

“We have increased transparency and simplified quality management. This is not only important for IFS certification but also when we need to document our compliance with legal requirements and with the other control and labelling schemes that we are part of.”

Focus on what creates value and better quality

“At Naturmælk, we have about 120 employees who all use the system to some degree. We have introduced them to it one at a time, so we are sure that each of them knows their role and understands that this is something we all need. And we follow up on this on an ongoing basis.”

“In the beginning, time and resources have to be allocated to roll out the system and fill it with content but in the long run, this saves a lot of time and resources. We don’t have to spend time on lots of practical details, but can instead focus on tasks that create value and ensure the quality of our products.”

De økologiske mejerier

Naturmælk and Øllingegaard organic dairies are owned by 48 organic and biodynamic farmers and their families. The dairies are ambitious and innovative, and they produce quality products for the love of the craft with great taste as the main ingredient.

Naturmælk was founded in Tinglev in Southern Jutland in 1994 and merged with the North Zealand dairy Øllingegaard in Skævinge in 2017. Today, there are dairies in both locations and the company has about 120 employees.

Legislation, certifications and labelling schemes

Food legislation in Denmark and the EU, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration’s ecological control, IFS Food Standard, Demeter (biodynamic production) and Animal Protection Denmark (animal welfare).


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