”When we had to choose the system, we emphasized good search features that help us quickly find what we need. In D4InfoNet you can insert keywords on the documents so that they appear in related search results, and the search takes place even in attached documents and pdfs.”
– Susanne Norsgaard, Manager Network and Linehaul Operation
A targeted and systematic effort for sustainability, safety and quality helps to place GLS among Europe’s leading package distributors. The company is ISO and GDP certified, and in several countries, D4InfoNet is the digital platform that structures and anchors the work with quality, controls and audits. Read more about the choice of D4InfoNet as a quality management system in GLS Denmark here. Current quality manager Ole Damsgaard (OD) and former quality manager Susanne Norsgaard (SN) (now Manager Network and Linehaul Operation) say:
Susanne Norsgaard: ” Like many other companies, we are also, mostly, an Excel company. We use spreadsheets, send many emails and store files in a folder system on the shared drive. It works well for some things – but not to ensure consistent procedures and quality across the company. So for us, the implementation of a quality management system has been about creating a common platform where all key documents and procedures are in a system that is accessible to all.
We avoid doubts on how to handle certain situations, because we have described the procedures on a platform, which everyone has access to, and when new procedures or information comes in, it is easy to communicate to everyone in a more formalized way, than one can in an email.”
Susanne Norsgaard: ”When we had to choose the system, we emphasized good search features that help us quickly find what we need. In D4InfoNet you can insert keywords on the documents so that they appear in related search results, and the search takes place even in attached documents and pdfs.”
Ole Damsgaard: ”Yes, it’s really smart in a big company like GLS, where the same things may well be called something different. By inserting all the designations as keywords, we ensure that all relevant documents are included in the search result.”
Susanne Norsgaard: ” In GLS Denmark, we have many hourly paid employees and drivers who do not have access to a PC, so they do not use the system, but all other employees and managers have access. Everyone can see everything – only quite a few areas are reserved for certain people – and p.t. we are more than 700 registered users in Denmark alone.
It is a super efficient system and it has not come out of nowhere. We have put a lot of effort into making it a place that is used, i.a. by posting as much relevant content as possible. So a good system does not just come by itself – you have to set aside resources for it.”
Ole Damsgaard: ”All users can provide feedback on the individual documents, and the feedback is registered in the system, which, at the same time, sends an email to both editors and document managers. The comments are saved in the log, and here we are able to see if there is anything, we need to change. In addition, when we have an audit and find something, that is not precisely described, we immediately register it in the system. Then we have control of the information.
Furthermore, deviations and improvement tasks etc. are registered in D4InfoNet, where we have had a special form developed. It works perfectly for us. The process is controlled electronically, and we can, for example, define which groups must be notified in the event of, for example, occupational injuries or an unintended event.”
About GLS Denmark
GLS Denmark is a subsidiary of GLS Group. With over 240,000 customers in 40 countries, GLS is one of the leading parcel distributors in Europe. The group also has subsidiaries in Canada and on the west coast of the United States.
In round figures, the GLS consists of 70 central and regional hubs, 1,400 depots with 28,000 last mile distribution vehicles and 4,000 line hauls, as well as 19,000 employees. Of these, just over 2,400 work in Denmark.
Certifications: ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management) as well as GDP (Good Distribution Practice), which sets guidelines for the distribution of medicines, including medicines.
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