With the user-friendly tool for risk assessments, you get an overview of the company’s risks and your workflows when the unexpected happens. You can easily document that you work seriously with risk analyzes.
Constant risk assessments are crucial for companies that work with quality management on a daily basis. What is the risk of the server room being flooded in the event of a storm, and what are the consequences for us when a pandemic strikes? With the simple electronic form for risk assessments, you can create a clear overview of risks. You can document that you are able to contemplate, take a stand on your risks, and work with them.
You get a great digital overview of the workflow, associated with each individual risk analysis, and you are always able to see how far the handling has come. The system helps you assess the gravity, so you get a degree of risk for each risk. You can write and document what you do to minimize and manage the risk, or you can choose to accept the risk. The crucial thing is, that you can always document, that you take a position on risks, and that you have an overview of which people are involved in the handling of a risk.
It is easy to use the form and get started doing risk analysis. You can create risk assessments of a few important machines and products, or you can analyze everything you think is important. It can also be a risk analysis of key people, and the consequences if they find a new job or fall ill.
The electronic form is a powerful tool for all companies that want to make risks visible and document the work with them. The standard form is an excellent and user-friendly tool for both large and small companies. You can also use the form to register opportunities in the company and be proactive in developing and improving processes and products.
With the annual overview form, you get a powerful digital management tool to register and make visible the company's important activities and events during the year.
The form is an effective, digital management tool for documenting your assets. You can easily and continuously get an overview of assets and their condition and assess whether you should get rid of something.
In the electronic form, you can register a number of important data about your suppliers in a simple way. Checklists and drop-down boxes make the digital tool easily accessible.
Achieve electronic control during the process. Both in terms of unintended events, deviation reporting, corrective actions, complaints, compilation of improvement measures and suggestions, etc.
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