Get the big picture
with flowcharts

It can be a challenge to keep track of the small details and at the same time maintain the big picture. With flowcharts, that work has become significantly easier.

Efficient and elegant overview

Get a unique overview of your workflows and a great entrance to documents, procedures and knowledge. With an elegant visual setup, you can easily control your processes and work more efficiently.

Powerful visual
management tool

With the tool flowcharts, you can create an elegant graphic overview of your workflows, and you get a visual input to the company’s important documents and knowledge. The tool is an effective management tool because it becomes simple and fast to navigate your system. You can create user-friendly workflows that are easy to understand. With interactive flowcharts and diagrams, you can illustrate and highlight the processes and value chains that are most needed, and are used the most. For example, it can be the procedure for a core product, the personnel handbook or something completely different that creates value for you.

Common thread in
document management

Flowcharts supports several of the other tools in the D4InfoNet management system. Among other things, the handbooks and the electronic forms. It gives you a graphical common thread and a unique overview of your entire document management. With the graphical tools, you can illustrate complex procedures and create a nice and user-friendly overview of data. Clickable illustrations are shortcuts to more information and making navigation easy. After a few clicks, you are deep down in the handbooks and can quickly find documents.

Extremely user-friendly

It is easy to use and to get started with flowcharts. The tool is user-tested and extremely user-friendly. Users can design their own interface and workflows so that they have quick access to documents. You choose how you design and show your processes. You can make both colorful illustrations and simple flowcharts. You can also use Flow, to create an elegant and user-friendly intranet for your company and employees - an intranet that is fully integrated with the management system and all essential documents and data.

Build flowcharts easily

There are no limits for building flowcharts, and the application greatly appeals to creativity and play with graphic expressions. The system works as a drawing board, where you can freely build and design. You can use different animations and videos as well as you can use PNG, GIF, JPEG. The user-friendly tools, and the panel of figurative options, makes it easy to both place and edit the elements. It is also possible to create links between flowcharts and external data.

Get started quickly

You can get started quickly, making your quality management more elegant and manageable. We train you in using flowcharts and hold your hand during the process. If you have graphic designers in the house, they will be able to help you with the advanced functions and solutions. If you need further input, we are ready to help.

Quick implementation

It is quick and easy to get started using the management system in your business. We install it, and train your super users. From there, you are ready to get started, to gather documents and procedures, and build your handbooks. Simple standard templates make it easy and efficient.

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+45 45 90 31 50


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