Let us inspire you

We have many years of experience in developing software solutions that help companies collect and streamline documents and daily processes. With our experiences in mind, we reflect on current topics that apply in many of our customers’ everyday lives.
With our articles and podcasts, we invite you to delve into various topics and be inspired in your daily work with quality – Enjoy.

Get inspiration for your work with management systems

We regularly publish articles and podcasts where we share knowledge, tips and tricks and interviews with exciting profiles. Our posts are an invitation to get an inspiring and nuanced insight into the current and relevant topics that apply in daily work with quality and management systems – We look forward to continually sharing our knowledge with you.

Risk management with Erik B. Jørgensen

Listen in on the talk about risk management With Erik B. Jørgensen who works as a lecturer, author, adventurer, expedition leader, coach, inspirer, former Sirius patrol, former special forces soldier and much more.

We touch on topics such as; How important is it to make a risk analysis, when does a risk assessment come into use,  and get Erik’s three tips for making a good risk analysis.

Employee training – why is it so important?

Listen in when the conversation turns to employee training with Anitta Olsen, EQ assistant at Nordic Sugar.

We touch on topics such as product safety, employee training and procedures in a food company.

This is how Gastech turned the IT system to their advantage

Cluttered folder structure with documents, lack of overview of the system and a lot of frustrations.

Listen in as Thomas Heidemann, from the company Gastech-Energi A/S, tells about the journey they were on with their IT system.

They went from no overview to the fact that they now have a very good structure and can easily search for relevant documents and procedures in the management system, which really help them in their everyday life.

What does agile quality management mean and how do you get it implemented in your work?

Listen in as we interview Claus Nygaard, professor and director at cph:learning.

We talk about agile quality management, the linear and the circular principle, as well as how you can successfully implement it in your everyday life.

Claus shares his experience with three tips for ensuring agile quality management.

Quality talk – a conversation about audits with Henrik Rudolf

What characterizes a good audit, and how do you best prepare for an audit?

Listen in as we interview Henrik Rudolf, who works as a consultant and auditor, and who owns the company “Rudolf Freelance & Consulting”.

In this podcast episode, we dive into, among other things, what characterises a value-creating audit from the auditor’s perspective. Henrik also helps us learn more about what defines a good and a bad audit for a certified company.

We share five pieces of advice on how to best prepare for integrating a new management system:

It can have serious consequences for a company if its information is destroyed, stolen or otherwise withheld.

A whistleblower scheme is a powerful tool because it helps to shed light on serious conditions in the company that are, or may develop into beeing harmful. Whether it concerns fraud or personal matters, a whistleblower scheme is a tool to maintain an open and honest business model.

A new management system - How does your company prepare in the best possible way?

We share five pieces of advice on how to best prepare for integrating a new management system:

A new management system - How does your company prepare in the best possible way?

We share five pieces of advice on how to best prepare for integrating a new management system:

A new management system - How does your company prepare in the best possible way?

We share five pieces of advice on how to best prepare for integrating a new management system:

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